Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS)

Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Albertstraße 19
79104 Freiburg i.Br.
Tel. +49 (0)761 203 97404
Contact person: Katrin Brandt
The Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) is the University of Freiburg’s international research college. The institute promotes innovative research projects by offering fellowships to outstanding researchers from Freiburg, Germany and abroad. EURIAS fellows join a community of researchers from many disciplinary backgrounds (including natural sciences), all of whom contribute to the intellectually stimulating atmosphere of FRIAS. Through a number of differently targeted fellowship programs, three types of research fellows interact at FRIAS: Internal Senior Fellows (academics from the University of Freiburg), External Senior Fellows (academics from all over the world) and Junior Fellows (outstanding young academics from Freiburg and abroad). It is the aim of FRIAS to support academic exchanges across existing boundaries: between disciplines, between different cultures and countries, between established and younger researchers. FRIAS engages, furthermore, in activities opening the research community to society and politics.
FRIAS lies geographically close to both France and Switzerland and actively takes advantage of the rich intellectual resources of this truly European region.
Fellows benefit from the comprehensive support provided by the institute as well as from the lively research environment of the university and its eleven faculties.

FRIAS is located in a modern building within walking distance of Freiburg´s historic city centre and the main buildings of the university.
The institute provides its fellows with modern office space and an up-to-date infrastructure. Accommodation is available through the university guest house and additional centrally located apartments. Fellows have full access to all library services from one of the leading German university libraries.
Comprehensive support includes student assistants and support with conference organisation. Experimental science researchers benefit from the most modern infrastructures and resources of our university.
Special attention is drawn to supporting fellows who plan to come to Freiburg together with their families.
After a successful five year period concentrating on four academic foci (organized in four schools), FRIAS has now broadened its mandate to include all disciplines represented at the University of Freiburg. There are two main sections, one covering humanities and socieal sciences, the other natural sciences, engineering and medicine.
FRIAS welcomes applications from all disciplines represented at the University of Freiburg, i.e. humanities and social sciences as well as natural sciences, engineering and medicine.