IMéRA, Aix-Marseille Institute for Advanced Study

IMéRA, Aix-Marseille Institute for Advanced Study
2 place Le Verrier
13004 Marseille
Tel. +33 (0)4 13 55 21 52
Contact person: Pascale Hurtado
IMéRA is the Institute for Advanced Study of Aix-Marseille University - AMU. As such, it is a member of Réseau Français des Instituts d'Etudes Avancées (RFIEA) [French Advanced Study Institutes Network].
IMéRA receives researchers and artists of all disciplines (senior or junior) under residence schemes of 3 to 12 months (depending on calls for applications); it also accommodates a few multi-disciplinary teams with a collective project for short duration stays. Residents work on their own research projects in connection with Aix-Marseille teams and research centres.
Research projects carried out at IMéRA focus on cross-fertilisation within social science, within science, between social science and formal/experimental and health science, and on relationships between art and science, exploring and enhancing the potential openings between such disciplines and the new objects that may be formed there.
IMéRA aims at fostering the emergence and development of world-class cross-disciplinary research approaches and grooms young researchers for such approaches on Aix-Marseille University ground.
IMéRA also enthusiastically welcomes projects bearing on Mediterranean territories or submitted by researchers from the Mediterranean rim.

Located on extensive grounds in the heart of Marseille, IMéRA comprises two main buildings—a large 19th century house called Maison des Astronomes (Astronomers' House) and a vast university building dating from the 1960s—, and a three-bedroom flat on the first floor of an adjacent building.
Two work phases have been scheduled to provide the site with lodgings and working areas that can accommodate 14 residents at a time in the best possible conditions from September 2015. The first phase (renovation of Maison des Astronomes) was completed in May 2011. In the second phase (upgrading of the university building), some ten flats will be created as well as spaces specially devoted to IMéRA’s projects, and service and recreation areas.
Four flats are currently available to residents on IMéRA premises. Residents who cannot be accommodated on the site are put up in fully furnished flats in Marseille’s town centre, a few minutes from IMéRA.
To work, exchange ideas or organise workshops, they can use the communal areas in the Maison des Astronomes: a meeting room and a conference room (seating 50 and equipped with projector, PA system and audio/video recording equipment) on the ground floor, and a dining/function room, lounge and communal kitchen on the 1st floor.
Research projects carried out at IMéRA focus on cross-fertilisation within social science, within science, between social science and formal/experimental/health science, and on relationships between art and science, exploring and enhancing the potential openings between such disciplines and the new objects that may be formed there.
In their applications, candidates should clearly demonstrate their interest in cross-disciplinary projects on the basis of their research or itineraries, by:
(i) providing a list of already experienced cross-disciplinary collaborations or of publications calling for such collaboration schemes; or
(ii) proposing to start one such collaboration and specifying its characteristics; or
(iii) detailing expected contributions from cross-fertilisation of their own research program with perspectives and intellectual resources of other disciplines.
In all cases, candidates drawing on multi-disciplinary resources of the various Aix-Marseille University laboratories will clearly enhance the credibility of their applications.
IMéRA also enthusiastically welcomes projects bearing on Mediterranean territories or submitted by researchers from the Mediterranean rim.
IMéRA is characterised by Its openness to all scientific disciplines—hard sciences, social sciences and the humanities—as well as to literature and artistic creation, with a view to stimulating innovative exchanges and thereby transcending disciplinary boundaries.