Istituto di Studi Avanzati

Institute of Advanced Studies
Via Marsala 26
40126 Bologna
Tel. +39 (0)51 2099262
Contact person: Lucia Gunella
The University of Bologna was established in 1088, the first one in the western world and a point of reference in the panorama of European culture.The Institute of Advanced Studies started its activities in 2001, since then it has hosted more than 200 Fellows coming from Universities all over the world and belonging to different disciplinary areas from humanities to sciences. The Institute promotes and organizes international and interdisciplinary research programs at the University of Bologna. The Institute selects and hosts professors, postdoctoral researchers and Ph.D. students belonging to all fields visiting the Alma Mater Studiorum. The aim is to stimulate the circulation of ideas and the exchange of knowledge and to foster the interdisciplinary research. International scholars are awarded from the Institute for their research activities of outstanding scientific value in the field of science and technology as well as of human and social science.
The Institute is integrated in some international networks of similar Institutes in order to develop common activities as the selection of researchers and interdisciplinary research projects. The Director of the Institute is Dario Braga, Professor of Chemistry at the Dipartimento di Chimica Ciamician of the University of Bologna.

The Institute is located in a comfortable building close to the airport and train station of Bologna and next the historical center of the city.The Institute Fellows can use all the libraries and laboratories at the University of Bologna, one of the biggest in Italy.
Furthermore Bologna is rich of Museums, galleries and libraries where the Institute guests can find important information for their research.All directions regarding available facilities are provided to Fellows at the Institute.
The Institute is interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary and interested in all the academic disciplines, most of which represented at the University of Bologna. Fellows in both humanities-economics (Economics, Law, Arts and Humanities, Foreign Languages and Literature, Psychology, Education Sciences, Political Sciences, Statistical Sciences) and sciences-technologies (Agriculture, Architecture, Industrial Chemistry, Pharmacy, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Preservation of the Cultural Heritage, Mathematical Physical and Natural Science, Exercise and Sport Science, Interpreting and Translation) areas are welcome. In particular researchers developing interdisciplinary research activities will find at the Institute the best surrounding to reach good results.