Nadia Al-Bagdadi, appointed President of the NetIAS

Nadia Al-Bagdadi, IAS CEU Director, appointed President of the Network of European Institutes for Advanced Study
On April 26, 2018, the Network of European Institutes for Advanced Studies unanimously elected a new President in the person of Nadia Al-Bagdadi, Director of the Institute for Advanced Study at Central European University. In her role, she will follow Michal Linial, Director of the Israel Institute for Advanced Study, who has held this position before. The Secretariate of NetIAS will continue to be operated by the RFIEA Foundation (Paris).
The NetIAS is a network of 23 Institutes for Advanced Study throughout Europe, which launched in 2010 the EURIAS fellowship Programme as a first initiative bringing together the European IAS around a first concrete European-wide initiative.