New Publication by Evanghelia Stead, EURIAS Fellow 2014-2015

L'Eupope des Revues II (1860-1930) Réseaux et circulations des modèles
Evanghélia Stead & Hélène Védrine
ISBN : 979-10-231-0556-8
Paris, PUPS, 2019
Nombre de pages : 986
Evanghelia Stead, Professor of Comparative Literature and Print Culture at UVSQ, EURIAS fellow 2014-2015, also a senior fellow of the Institut Universitaire de France (2016), has published in French with Hélène Védrine the second reference volume on L'Europe des revues II (1860-1930). Réseaux et circulations des modèles (Paris, PUPS, 2018). The imposing tome argues that review networks across Europe help understand these media in a suppler and more innovative way than Bourdieu's much commented theory of fields. It offers 42 chapters in six sections, a recent state of selected bibliography, two indexes and is abundantly illustrated in colour.
How do journals develop and circulate? What are the networks or strategies they marshal, the models from which they draw, transform or impose, the forms and contents they borrow from other journals or spread among them? These questions particularly arise between 1860 and 1930, when literature and art journals abound in Europe, in a fruitful rivalry, weaving networks of exchanges, transfers and cultural relations.
This book is a follow-up of L’Europe des revues (1880-1920). Estampes, photographies, illustrations (Paris, PUPS, 2008, reprinted 2011), further pursuing its surmises and propositions. It calls for exploring the relations between the aesthetic, ideological, graphic and typographic models of periodicals across Europe. By problematizing the concept of network and by showing its various configurations and expressions — between journals or round a journal—, it strongly highlights the circulation of periodicals as vectors of ideas, forms, sociability, ideologies and aesthetics.
This wide movement of exchanges, both centrifugal and centripetal, allows for blending and transferring new ideas, forms or aesthetics from one country to another, and for new outlines of genres and fields. It also offers a new angle to question the emergence of specialized journals (art, theatre, film, or photography). It is currently supported by numerous digital initiatives — from providing resources for the benefit of the greatest number to the reconstruction of the historical networks of periodicals, and the intense interconnecting of publications, documents and archives we are experiencing.
By studying its various manifestations according these lines, this collection attempts to shed new light on periodicals as a key phenomenon of print culture and to measure its importance in printed and visual cultural history.