Publication by Jean-Marc Moura, EURIAS Fellow 2011-2012

Histoire des relations littéraires transatlantiques. Les Relations Afrique-Amériques
Yves Clavaron & Jean-Marc Moura (dir.), Bécherel, Editions Les Perséides, 2017.
The literary history of the Atlantic opens up to the analysis of circulations, exchanges and migrations of literature no longer in regional or linguistic terms, but in the complex relations crossing cultures, regions and languages between the three continents bordering the eponymous ocean. We are interested here in relations between Africa and the Americas (without omitting the Caribbean) from a diachronic perspective. The book proposes a collective and international reflection on the specificities of literary circulations Africa-Americas. He envisions various models of Atlantic organization (such as Paul Gilroy's Atlantic Black or Roger Bastide's Black Americas), the role of languages and translations in this space. It examines some important works and figures of this intercontinental dialogue, some of the cultural and literary movements that have arisen from it, as well as related cultural transfers.